Friday, August 19, 2011

Praise the Lord, I arrived safely in Cuautla three days ago. The first two days were spent fixing the classrooms in the school - everything from painting and cleaning offices to decorating bulletin boards and desks. Of course, all of this was interspersed with playing and talking with the children! Yesterday I brought out my frisbee and we had a great time throwing it around. We will soon have an Ultimate Frisbee team here at Mahanaim! Many of the children I have met have a fair understanding of the English language, but they do not have the confidence to speak it. One of my jobs here will be simply to talk to the children to get them to practice actually speaking the language. I am finding, however, that I really do need to learn Spanish! Please pray that I can learn quickly(!!) so that I will be able to communicate with more people. Pastor Fernando and his wife, Flor, have been very welcoming and encouraging. They have such servant hearts and have expressed many times how blessed they are that I was able to come. I have had many people tell me that I am an answer to prayer and it is very humbling to think that so many people are so excited to see me here. I have to confess that at this point I feel inadequate - there are many people that would be "more qualified" to be in a position like this - but I am sure that God wants me here for a reason! I was reading in 2 Corinthians 12 this morning and once again came across my favorite verses, 12:9-10. I love that God chooses to show his power through our weaknesses! What a privilege for us - one that we certainly do not deserve.
Thank you all for your continued prayers!


  1. I'm so glad to hear from you and looking forward to so many more blogs.. You are truly in for an interest ride. Enjoy the people...

    By the way, do you care if I share your blog with my friends?
